
The Provider for FedEx uses five pieces of information in order to authenticate its actions with the FedEx service.

  • Server: This controls the URL where the requests should be sent. Common testing options for this are: "", "", "", and ""

  • DeveloperKey: This is the identifier part of the authentication key for the sender's identity. This value will be provided to you by FedEx after registration.

  • Password: This is the secret part of the authentication key for the sender's identity. This value will be provided to you by FedEx after registration.

  • AccountNumber: This valid 9-digit FedEx account number is used for logging into the FedEx server.

  • MeterNumber: This value is used for submitting requests to FedEx. This value will be provided to you by FedEx after registration.

  • PrintLabelLocation: This property is required to use the GenerateLabels or GenerateReturnLabels stored procedures. This should be set to the folder location where generated labels should be stored.

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